Thursday, December 11, 2014

Review for Finals

1. Timeliness - how recent the subject of the story is 
2. Proximity - how close the subject of the story is to the reader
3. Human Interest - a story about people, usually people going through hardships
4. Prominence - how important the story's subject is
5. Conflict - two clashing forces in a story
6. Interviews - when a journalist/reporter asks a person questions to get information and quotes for a story
7. Research - looking things up to find background information on the story
8. Quotations - using something someone said directly in a story and attributing it to them
9. Yes-no question - a question in an interview that can be answered with only a "yes" or "no
10. Follow-up question - a question that "follows up" a previous one to get more information
11. Objective writing - writing without bias
12. Transition paragraph - a paragraph that transitions between two quotes
13. Hard news story - a story that's "just the facts"
14. Soft news story - more entertaining than hard news
15. Inverted Pyramid - the most important structure of a hard news story—lede at top, nut graf, then information from most to least important
16. Third-person point of view - using "she" "he" "they" instead of "I" "we" etc.
17. 5 Ws and H lead - who, what, when, where, why, how
18. editing - going back through a first draft and making changes
19. attribution - to attribute a quote to someone
20. paraphrase - to summarize something
21. fragmentary quotation - small pieces of a quote that goes into a paraphrasing 
22. direct quotation - the exact quote from the source
23. partial quotation - a rephrased or edited quote
24. Uses of quotations - to get some of the "real world" in your story, to prove a point, to add different points of view
25. When to use quotations - in any story unless it's an opinion or editorial piece
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired - see above
27. Editorial - an opinion piece from the editor or publisher themselves 
28. editorial page - a page reserved for the above
29. columns - long but thin areas for a story, usually opinions or advice 
30. editorial that criticizes  - an editorial that gives a negative opinion about something 
31. editorial that explains - an editorial that explains a topic or their opinion
32. editorial that persuades - an editorial that persuade the reader to share their opinion
33. letter to the editor

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