Thursday, December 11, 2014

Review for Finals

1. Timeliness - how recent the subject of the story is 
2. Proximity - how close the subject of the story is to the reader
3. Human Interest - a story about people, usually people going through hardships
4. Prominence - how important the story's subject is
5. Conflict - two clashing forces in a story
6. Interviews - when a journalist/reporter asks a person questions to get information and quotes for a story
7. Research - looking things up to find background information on the story
8. Quotations - using something someone said directly in a story and attributing it to them
9. Yes-no question - a question in an interview that can be answered with only a "yes" or "no
10. Follow-up question - a question that "follows up" a previous one to get more information
11. Objective writing - writing without bias
12. Transition paragraph - a paragraph that transitions between two quotes
13. Hard news story - a story that's "just the facts"
14. Soft news story - more entertaining than hard news
15. Inverted Pyramid - the most important structure of a hard news story—lede at top, nut graf, then information from most to least important
16. Third-person point of view - using "she" "he" "they" instead of "I" "we" etc.
17. 5 Ws and H lead - who, what, when, where, why, how
18. editing - going back through a first draft and making changes
19. attribution - to attribute a quote to someone
20. paraphrase - to summarize something
21. fragmentary quotation - small pieces of a quote that goes into a paraphrasing 
22. direct quotation - the exact quote from the source
23. partial quotation - a rephrased or edited quote
24. Uses of quotations - to get some of the "real world" in your story, to prove a point, to add different points of view
25. When to use quotations - in any story unless it's an opinion or editorial piece
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired - see above
27. Editorial - an opinion piece from the editor or publisher themselves 
28. editorial page - a page reserved for the above
29. columns - long but thin areas for a story, usually opinions or advice 
30. editorial that criticizes  - an editorial that gives a negative opinion about something 
31. editorial that explains - an editorial that explains a topic or their opinion
32. editorial that persuades - an editorial that persuade the reader to share their opinion
33. letter to the editor

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Feature Story

It’s not uncommon to hear Doug Craig make wry, offhand remarks about his disability, or to see him zipping around Jersey City on his mobility scooter with his dog, a Bernese Mountain mix named Gracie, in tow. Despite his sense of humor about it, he suffers from a disease that has been slowly debilitating him through his life, making simple things, like raising his arms above his head, impossible.

Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy occurs in about 12 in 100,000 births. Someone diagnosed with it will slowly lose muscle strength in their face, upper arms, and abdomen, though it also can impede one’s ability to even walk. Many, like Craig, were diagnosed in their teens, meaning that they would live with this illness hanging over their head as they aged. 

“If you were to ask actually what a muscular dystrophy is—they’re diseases that involve the progressive loss of skeletal muscle strength because of the progressive dying-off of skeletal muscle cells,” Craig said.

Though it’s the most common manifestation of muscular dystrophy, it has minimal amounts of research and funding devoted to it, unlike many other genetic diseases.

Craig has a plan to change this. 

For several years, he has supported the FSH (Facioscapulohumeral) Society, a group that funds research for his type of muscular dystrophy. 

“Although I’ve been a supporter of them,” Craig said, “that mostly meant I’ve just made contributions to them, I’ve never done anything to actively raise money, so I thought it was about time I’d do that.”

Craig will do this by simply making a coast-to-coast journey from Manhattan to Seattle on his mobility scooter with Gracie in tow. 

“I came up with this plan to go across the country to raise money because I thought that it’s a difficult sort of thing to do and it might attract enough attention,” Craig said. “There are two purposes to the trip, one to raise money and another to raise awareness. And I think that as awareness increases the donations will increase as well, and fundraising, per se, is gonna be based on social media engagement and conventional media engagement.”

This might seem like a lofty goal, especially for a man who has to get around using a scooter at all times, but after talking with Craig about his plans, it’s clear that he’s put a good deal of thought into his plan. 

“The idea will be that we average about 25 miles a day where I can and stop at different hotels along the way,” Craig said. “There are still a lot of details to work out between now and April, but I wanted to not wait until everything was solved before I started to publicize it, because that would be valuable time lost.” 

Craig has started a website for the project at, and has made accounts on several social media platforms with the same handle to prepare for the live-blogging, tweeting, and Instagramming of his journey.

Craig even sent a letter to the company who makes his trusty mobility scooter, Pride Mobility, asking them to sponsor his project. He also asked them to donate to the FSH Society and for the input of some of their engineers on the best way to construct a side-car for Gracie when she’s not running alongside him. 

“I said in exchange we would be happy to advertise on the website and if they wanted to have media events along the way we’d be happy to participate in those as long as they didn’t obscure the main objective,” Craig said. 

Craig has recently received word from Pride Mobility that they would be happy to sponsor his trip, as well as provide him with a different scooter model that would be more suited to the rigors of the journey. 

While Craig's trip is relatively unknown at the moment, he has plans to seek out interviews with news outlets across all types of media. The goal is to rouse enough interest to get his trip funded as well as to donate as much money as possible from donors from individuals, organizations, or companies to the FSH Society and the research programs that they fund. 

“The hope is that the novelty of it will raise interest for some,” Craig said, “and for dog lovers the interest will be in hearing about Gracie’s exploits across the country. I’ll also drive interest towards the website where people can go donate money to support the trip and read the blog posts.” 

Already, Craig has been gaining support on Facebook, and more and more people are hearing about his trip as his friends share his posts about it to their friends. 

“I’m happy to support Doug’s project,” Craig's college friend, Rob Dye said.  “He’s been a good buddy of mine for a long time, and he definitely has the sorta conviction that someone needs to go through with something like this.” 

Craig has been planning his route through Google Maps by using guides created by long-distance cyclists, and he plans to kick off the three-to-four-month journey sometime in mid-April. 

“I’d like to have it launched either at Good Morning America or the Today Show. If I can arrange that,” Craig said. “It sounds like the sort of thing that they might be able to get behind if it looked like something that was well-planned and like it was going to actually happen. So if I could demonstrate that I could go out to Pride [Mobility] and that might demonstrate to them that I’m serious.”

While to many it seems like a pretty idealistic idea, Craig's friends and family are all on board.

“It’s great to see Doug getting out there and doing something that’ll ultimately help people who share his disability,” family member Steve Allison said. “I really admire him for doing something that, you know, so many people would say ‘Wow, there’s no way this guy’s gonna do this.’”

While Craig sometimes has his doubts about whether he will be able to ultimately achieve this, he said that the more he talks about it to people and the more progress he makes on his sponsorships and plans, the more confident he becomes. 

“I think part of the commitment is discussing it and telling people you’re going to do it, because the more you do that the more you feel committed and the worse you feel about backing out,” Craig said.

In the most ideal circumstances, Craig said that he would like to have something that could raise awareness for FSHD in the way that this summer's phenomenal Ice Bucket Challenge raised awareness for ALS, increasing donations to research exponentially. 

“I think that that was an anomaly and it’s hard to predict the way in which somebody will achieve that next time. I don’t think I could predict it,” Craig said. “And it’s not about elevating it to a position of more-prominence, or more-importance than some other disease,  it’s about making sure it’s included on the list of those things we care about solving.”

“Aside from the doing it for the business purpose of raising money,” Craig said, “it’s gonna be a great adventure to see the whole US coast-to-coast, not going through 80 miles an hour on the highway, but going at 8 miles on a scooter through the countryside and talking with and meeting people along the way, taking photographs and video along the way… It’ll just be a wonderful adventure.”

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Current Events Quiz 12/3/14

1. What did downtown shooter Larry Steven McQuillians have written on his chest when he was killed? Page A1 "'Hate' drives gunman…"
"Let me die."

2. Why did Bill Cosby step down from his Temple University board position? page A2 "Cosby resigns…."

Because of sexual assault allegations.

3. How much did Cyber Monday sales increase this year? Page B7 "Cyber Monday shoppers…"

8.7 percent.

4. What is Alyssa Kuykenall's favorite animal? Page C5 "Faces off the field"


5. Of the 24 movies listed here, what is your favorite? Page D1 "24 ways to stay home…"

A Christmas Story.

Short Answer:

Read the entire story about Larry McQuillians shooting rampage downtown on Page A1 - "Hate drives gunman..."

1. Does this kind of situation make you nervous? Why?

2. If he had survived, what kind of punishment should he have had?

3. What should society be doing to help stop this kind of activity?

4. Do people have the right to believe as they want, but as long as they don't act on it, it is okay?

5. Should the state and federal government be involved in trying to keep this kind of thing from happening again?

5A. If you said yes to question 5 - what do you think some of the problems might be if they are involved?

5B. If you said no to question 5 - why do you think they shouldn't be involved and who should be in control of trying to stop these kinds of activities?

Yes, it does make me nervous because these kind of attacks are often random and near-impossible to stop beforehand, which makes them even more dangerous. If he had survived, I think he certainly should have been imprisoned but also given help in terms of his mental illness. 
Technically, people do have the right to believe what they want. They can't really be stopped from doing so. However, I think that the societal structures that create people with beliefs like McQuillians' need to be examined and deconstructed. 
The federal government getting involved could be a slippery slope. I think that groups that can be classified as hate groups, like the sect that the shooter apparently belonged to, should be at least watched by the feds, because they can easily create situations like this. However, I feel like the federal government could easily end up policing things like religion and such, and not the kind of dangerous sects that McQuillians belonged to either—giving them permission to watch people because of their religious affiliations could easily become an outlet for the racial profiling of Muslims due to the post-9/11 hostility directed at them.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Feature Story Notes

NOTE: these are the notes I took while doing the interview, which was almost 30 minutes long making it incredibly time-consuming to transcribe, though I marked the time at important parts. 

An idea to come w/something to raise money for research on this type of muscular dystrophy (FSHD) facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy 

Diagnosed w it at age of 14 - one of 9 different types of muscular dystrophy 
MDs are diseases that involve progressive loss of skeletal muscle strength bc of the progessive dying-off of skeletal muscle cells
FSHD is the most prevalent type of MD (not by a lot) 12 out of 100,000
“It’s not a disease that very many do research on and there’s not a lot of money allocated for research on this disease.”
Been a supporter of a group that raises $$ for this (FSH Society)
Has mostly just made contributions, not actively raised money, thought it was time to do something active

How will your trip raise money for it? ( 7 mins)
“That’s something I’m still working on.”
Thought that it’s something that’ll draw attention thru social media, etc—will raise money as well as raise awareness, which will lead to money
Engagement w social and conventional media—interviews on television & radio when he goes thru towns that already have research going on, how he chose major destinations 
Novelty will raise awareness, dog lovers will want to hear about gracies exploits (9:42)

How are you preparing? (10 mins)
Preparing for logistics: stamina, 25 miles a day, stop at different hotels; still many details to work out between now and april (when the trip starts!!) 
Some things to figure out: 
finding lithium batteries that have the capacity to (12:00) get scooter as far as necessary each day, 
how will gracie travel?
Either design an appropriate side car that can be folded away, or her traveling in a trailer pulled behind him 
Looking for corporate sponsorship by Pride Mobility, company that makes the scooter, offered to make a trip to Exeter, Pennsylvania, where they are located; asked them to make a donation to FSH Society, provide a scooter for the trip, provide spare parts and service, (15:00), have their engineers work w him in designing a side car for Gracie—in exchange he would be happy to advertise for them on the website, have media events as he goes along on the trip as long as they don’t obscure the main objective
Places where tthere are few and far between hotels there will have to be a support vehicle w volunteers
Plan to blog about it, shoot video, post on social media

Where are you going to start the trip? (18:00)
Ideally launched on Good Morning America or the Today Show in Manhattan
Route itself: (19:00)
Identified cities that have research groups in them, would like radio & television interviews joined by someone from the lab
Assembled from a combination of google maps, route called east coast greenway, trans america cycling route
Planning on ending in seattle, on west coast & has major research for FSHD

What are your ultimate goals for the project (22 mins)
  “Not about elevating it to a position of more prominence or more importance than some other disease, it’s about making sure it’s included on the list of things that we care about solving. In many ways I would say that FSHD isn’t the worst disease in the world.” (23:00)
“Monetarily I’d like to raise a million dollars for research.” Ideally like to have something as big as the icebucket challenge (24:00)
All money will go directly to the FSH Society, also will do fundraiser beforehand to support the cost of the trip, (15-20k)
It will take between three and four months—try to leave somewhere in mid-April, still cool enough for Gracie (26:00)

(27:00) How sure are you that this will happen?
Part of the commitment is discussing it w people which makes it harder for you to back out

It’ll be a great adventure—not going 80mph on the highway, but 6 mph on a scooter, talking with and mtg people along the way, taking photographs and video along the way (28:00)!!!