1. Why did Bowie student Jack Guy design Grade Buzz? Page A1 "Student launches..." Did you know this was in our school newspaper 2 weeks ago!!!!
The AISD Cloud site's user interface wasn't very effective.
2. After the huge snowstorms hit Buffalo, NY last week, what is the next major concern for the region? Page A5 "Winter Weather"
Flooding because of snow melt.
3. What point is cartoonist, Chan Lowe, trying to make in the political cartoon on page A11?
That all of the different "holidays" that feature extreme sales on products are just going to cause consumers to buy more and more, which will cost them more than if they had just bought what they needed at its normal price.
4. Why is Alexis Alpha suing the San Marcos police department? Page B1 "Woman sues police…"
Because she was assaulted by a police officer, the attack resulting in a concussion and broken teeth.
5. Why are theme parks struggling to attract new visitors? Page B7 "Changing theme of parks"
Because people have so many entertainment outlets in the comfort of their own home, it's becoming harder and harder for them to be convinced to make the trip to an amusement park.
Short Answer: What impact does Capitol Metro's decision to raise fares by $.50 in January potentially have on the people of Austin?
Think logically here and think outside the box. Who does this impact the most and what will happen to their lives?
While the increased fares may help fund things in the city, they will impact many people negatively. Specifically homeless people, for which the bus is a main mode of transportation. 50 cents can make a big difference for someone who has to scrape together coins earned on the side of the road just to eat, much less to get from one place to another in a way other than walking. Some homeless people even use the bus as a place to sleep, for lack of any other safe, warm place to shut their eyes. The raised fares will definitely impact their lives negatively, and leave some of them exposed to the elements as winter sets in.
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