Wednesday, October 22, 2014

SNO Online Papers

Current Approach to ISIS Lacking, Igaramkin HS, Anchorage, Alaska

1. Who wrote the story?
Noah Alexander.

2. What is their story about?
Noah's story is about the US government and media's approach towards ISIS. 

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
Noah thinks that "we are identifying and mislabeling this issue [of ISIS] incorrectly." He attributes this to the media's sensationalist reporting on the Islamic State, and the government's rash statements about them without actually addressing the actual problem. 

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
Yes, he did say that he knows ISIS can pose a threat to the US and that they are dangerous, but he still stands by his opinion that ISIS, while being reported on constantly by the news, is largely being handled irresponsibly by the government. 

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
No, he stated his opinion clearly and even says outright that he "still stands by his opinion." 

6. Are there any quotes in the story?
Yes, he quotes sophomore Sean Gardeline. 

7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?
1st person. 

My Suggestion to the GOP, Westlake HS, Austin, Texas

1. Who wrote the story?
Jacob Prothro. 

2. What is their story about?
Jacob's story is about the Republican Party and how they are driving away young voters. 

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
He thinks that the GOP's "outdated views of gay rights, abortion, and drug legalization" are driving away young voters who would otherwise vote for them for the sake of their economics. He says that if they updated their platform to "a party that represents the best of both worlds, instead of the extremes of both sides."

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
Yes, he addressed several different viewpoints one might have on this topic, but he always made it back to his own opinion. 

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
As stated above, he always is clear about what his own opinion is. 

6. Are there any quotes in the story?

7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?
1st person. 

PDA @ School, Woodrow Wilson HS, Long Beach, California

1. Who wrote the story?
Victoria Sanchez. 

2. What is their story about?
The story is about PDA at school. 

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
Victoria thinks that PDA at school "might be attractive for the ones doing it, but it's definitely not for those watching it." 

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
No, not particularly.

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
No, she certainly made a stance. 

6. Are there any quotes in the story?
Yes, she quoted junior Jesus Bautista. 

7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?
1st person. 

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